Monday, June 17, 2019

And the winner is.... - the management theories and methods of Essay

And the winner is.... - the forethought theories and methods of employee-award-winning companies 2013 - Essay ExampleAs a result, most organizations have shifted their focus from developing strategies to implementing sound human mental imagery focussing practices. Motivation of employees has become a key aspect in the management of any organization and most organizations today develop employee motivation plans. Facebook, an American based social media high society, has developed proper motivational package and this enabled the company to be awarded the best company to work in award of 2013. In this paper, the emerging human resource practices will be discussed in relation to how it has changed business transaction and employee motivation. While discussing the theories of management currently employed by the organizations, the paper will analyse the article the best companies to work for in 2013. Human resource management practices have changed from the previous notions that was money centred to a new one that is based solely on employee motivation and how the nation are critical assets for the business (Lawler, 2003). sum-up of article Facebook, one of the currently leading social media companies based in the united states adopted a human resource practice that is more people cantered. ... With the current cost of livings being overly high, the success and satisfaction of an employee depends on the package that the company offers at any given time. Companies should seek to motivate their employees through with(predicate) the development of flexible work schedules, provision of leaves and offs without any conditions attached and providing a cool work environment devoid of stressful occurrences (Lawler, 2003). Facebook understands these emerging principles of human resource management and has developed one of the best packages for its employees. The company offers one of the most attractive payment packages to its employee as compared to other companies t hat participated in the survey. As a company that understands the essence of adding value to the life of the employees, the company also offers other incentives and allowances to its employees. These include the provision of free transportation, provision of home and personal services like ironical cleaning and other motivating incentives to parents working for the organization. Facebook seeks to develop a work environment where the employees can do what they love most, get paid favourably for their conceive of careers and enjoy every single moment of their time at the company (Nohria & Groysberg, 2008). Apart from Facebook that was above the park according to this report, McKinsey and Co also emerged as the indorse best company to work in, a feat that is attributed to its human resource management approaches. As a major consultant company with offices and subsidiary branches in different parts of the word, the company has strived to implement a recruitment program that seeks emp loyees with great leadership abilities.

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